Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Secret to Better Bowling

This blog will do more to improve your bowling scores than any to date.

It was a message from Amenhokit that came disguised as an audit by the State Franchise Board. A sales tax audit. The gist was they wanted to know where all the products we purchased came from, went too, and the dollar amounts. Since my records were quite disjointed I needed 3 months to put my records in order, to create ledgers for the auditor.

A voice in my head, must have been Amenhokit, spoke saying us the 13 column bookkeeping sheets and stay home every Wednesday to recreate the records. Coincidently Wednesday was my league bowling night.

By day I crunched numbers into tiny squares 3/16 of an inch square and found that night when I bowled my target, a one-inch board was huge.

It was a case of setting a standard, 3/16” and focusing on it for a number of hours and then moving my perspective to a larger target.

I experienced an incredible freeing of attention, a relaxed swing & stroke, and great scoring success.

It became a technique I used in a number of tournaments where accuracy was key.

Let me repeat the technique, before bowling spend at least 30 minutes doing miniature work. Work where your focus is small, anything that requires attention to small details where you are active.

Reading small print, studying a picture does not work as well as engaging your hands, vision and creating a goal driven result.

This type of work, moving and changing your point of view, is excellent for maintaining Brain Plasticity, and a key to a long healthy mind.

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