The transmission is on a vibratory level that requires a soft relaxation to tune into the vision.
Messages from above usually arrive on a very high frequency and requires the receiver to combine an almost meditative state with the quick agility of a third basement on a line drive.

It is aware reaction.
It’s a knowingness that what the universe is offering up, at that moment, is a clue to wake up, pay attention, keep your eye on the ball, and use the agility to adjust and receive the message. I
Its what allowed the great Dick Weber to adjust in a .30 of second to an errant swing, finesse the ball into the pocket and retain his ability to be in the zone when for others error messages arrive at the brain with the ensuing legions of self-abasement destroying imagery replacing it with ‘stinkin-thinkin.

Here are three modern messages from Amenhokit I have received:
1-Relaxing the middle finger allows the body to relax.
1-Relaxing the middle finger allows the body to relax.
2-If the grip tenses the middle fingers and increases the lift/hook.
3-If the feet and toes tense, that energy reverbs all the way to the hand and the GRIP. Squeezed tense shots are pulled, difficult to repeat even if successful, and combat the inner knowingness of success.
Relax, Pay Attention, then see the shot, be the shot, enjoy of the oneness of the explosion of pins and the magic of striking.
Relax, Pay Attention, then see the shot, be the shot, enjoy of the oneness of the explosion of pins and the magic of striking.
For help on understanding the imagery process see my blog at or contact me.
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