One of Amenhokit's messages is the gracious winner.
Winning is addictive.Being better than the opponent.
The cream rising to the surface.
But playing a game created by a god sets standards higher thatn most.
Bowling offers no competitiors except ones self, ones limitations.
Amenhokit's game does not offer the temptations so prevalent in sports in the 21st century. The taunting, bragging and me-ism's was never a part of the creation of Amenhokits Bowling Competition.
The olden ABC's was tuned with humility.
The game has a perfect game, and adds to that perfection personal virtues.
Use the opponent to build your game, but do not build success on the faults or misfortunes of another.
In honoring the game, honor Amenhokit with the excitment of victory coupled with the calm knowingness of good fortune, of skills manifested, and a higher thought in mind.
Amenhokit's game is to elevate all who play.
It is a honor to win, honor yourself by honoring your opponent being the gracful winner.

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