Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Bowling Was Driven Underground

The scrolls tell of higher levels of competition raising the
levels of consciousness.

The better the bowler the fewer laws and limits were placed on them, thus raising those bowlers to god likeness. This may have been where AMENHOKIT troubled Pharaoh and the game became outlawed, and was forced indoors and underground or into alleys.

Bowling removes limits, it teaches letting go, affirms goals, and acknowledges success.

In bowling the unacceptable must be accepted.

Perfection is possible.

Sportsmanship & teamwork is universal.

Its all an investment in attention.

Anyone who has ever thrown a strike experiences a type of power. To be able to create an outcome from sixty feet. To obliterate the foe. To clean to deck. To jump up and down for joy as the fallen pins are swept away, and then automatically reset. Then the ball returns, usually.

Bowling teaches the magic of numbers.

Bowling is a lesson in visualization, coordination, timing, practice & forgiveness.

The winners were not always the strongest, quickest, youngest but those who could feel the subtle energies.

The adherents of Amenhokit entered the Zone.

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